Manage High Salt Content And Improve Flavors In Savory Food Applications
Savory products are a very competitive market where consumers are looking for innovative products that deliver rich and full flavors while reducing sodium content. Utilizing MagnaSweet®’s functional capabilities, you can deliver innovative and appetizing products with less sodium.
MagnaSweet® amplifies the taste of sodium chloride and masks the bitter aftertaste of non-sodium salts including potassium chloride. This effect enables formulators to reduce sodium salt by blending in potassium salt with MagnaSweet® to mask the characteristic potassium salt metallic aftertaste and enhance the desired savory flavors.
Magnasweet® Products Are Your Answer To Reducing Overall Sodium By Amplifying Salty And Umami Flavors In A Range Of Products

Common challenges to reducing salt:
- Lack of umami
- Reduced savory flavor
- Bitterness
- Metallic off-notes from potassium chloride
MagnaSweet® salt enhancement benefits:
- Increases savory flavors and perception of salty taste
- Masks metallic and chemical notes from salt substitutes including off-tastes from potassium chloride
- Creates a more rounded flavor profile and reduced acidity
Application Capabilities Using Salt Flavor Modulation

Cheddar Cheese Seasoning For Chips
Benefits of SE-014:
- Enhances the perception of salt in a 30% reduced salt chip seasoning
- Enhances cheese flavor notes in seasoning